Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Check is in the Mail

Sadly my aunt in Chicago died from lung cancer last year preceded in death by her husband who also died from lung cancer. She was my father's only sibling, my dad died in August 1986 at age 65 from lung cancer. They were both smokers so there is something for you to think about.

My aunt and her husband did not have any children. My sisters and I and some nieces and/or nephews on my uncle's side are the only survivors. My aunt died intestate so her estate is being handled by an attorney and the head of the homeowner's association of the building where my aunt lived. The attorney said we have to wait 6 months for the probate proceedings and then the funds, minus Gerta's share and any funeral expenses, etc, will be split equally three ways between me and my sisters.

Sadly my one sister is a space case. Nearly everyone who meets her knows that, most everyone in the family, cousins, aunts and uncles knows that as well. My other sister who has been in therapy for years imho without improvement in her psyche is therefore self-righteous and all-knowing. She SRAK(self-righteous all-knowing) is gullible enough however to be manipulated by her cabinet-making-business-owner husband. Me... I try to believe in the goodness of everyone which has caused me to be shat upon by Cub Scout leaders and family (specifically SRAK and her husband and I guess by default, SC as well).

When my/our mother died she left perhaps $10K in a joint account for SC; her condo which was in a crummy retirement village in West Palm Beach (Golden Lakes), FL; a $4K insurance policy for SRAK and whatever was left in a joint account (me and SRAK). I paid the bills from the me/SRAK account, perhaps not as best as I could. I had asked for donations from SRAK and SC for upkeep on the condo but nothing came through.

Through no effort of the cousin who was put in charge of selling the condo, a buyer was found. In the year the condo lay empty the housing market crashed and foreclosures started to rise. We were offered $45K for the condo. SRAK and her CMBOH (cabinet making business owner husband) flew to Florida and secured an attorney and through CMBOH's extensive (insert sarcasm here) knowledge brought back a contract of sale. Simple sale, no negotiations, SRAK was seething eager to get her way saying 'we can be sued if we don't sign the papers'. I don't know if that was true or not. 

The sale went through and with SRAK in charge, nearly everyone received in semi-accordance of my mother's will. My cousin in FL and GA did not receive what my mother instructed. SRAK took without a receipt for proof $750 from the proceeds of the sale thereby reducing the amounts to SC and me by $250. Wow, right, well yes, when the total we received was possibly just over $4K after each of the grandchildren received $3K as instructed by mother's will. I am confounded as to why SRAK followed those instructions but not for my cousins... Perhaps her greed... I don't know.

Well the sale took place in July; in September I had to request the $3K check for my son and by November I had not received my portion. Four months after the sale... don't know what was going on in her head and she called me a thief.... oh right, and a cunt, in public, on her untaxed porch. Self-righteous indeed...

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